L. Bonitz (Klinikum Dortmund), Ch. Müller (CADFEM GmbH)
Optimization in model-based simulations of surgical procedures - Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion
H. Güttler (Micro Consult GmbH), W. Slagter (ANSYS)
Recent Advances in ANSYS Toward RDO Simulation Practices using optiSLang
Session 1: Multidisciplinary Optimization |
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St. Raith (Uniklinikum Aachen, Research Group CAPS-Technische Universität München)
L. Kovacs, M. Eder, A. Volf (Research Group CAPS-Technische Universität München) T. Steiner, F. Hölzle (Uniklinikum Aachen)
Robust optimization of osteosynthesis treatment of mandible fractures under consideration of interindividual bone shape variations
M. Schimmelpfenning (Dynardo GmbH)
Patient specific optimization of fracture treatment considering the inhomogeneous material properties of bone tissue and the expected load situation
R. Helfrich (INTES GmbH)
Topology optimization as first step towards optimal products
Session 2: Random Fields and New Developments of Dynardo Software |
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D. Schneider, T. Most, J. Will (Dynardo GmbH)
Recent Developments for optiSLang v4 stand alone and inside ANSYS Workbench
S. Wolff, Prof. Ch. Bucher (Dynardo Austria GmbH)
Statistics on Structures 3
T. Most (Dynardo GmbH), H. Neubert (TU Dresden)
Robust Design and Reliability Analysis of an Electromagnetic Actuator System
M. Oberguggenberger, M. Prackwieser, M. Schwarz (Universität Innsbruck)
Simulation and optimization methods for reliability analysis
Session 3: Robust Design Optimization (RDO) Part 1 |
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K. Cremanns, A. Graßmann, Prof. D. Roos (HS Niederrhein)
Conventional partwise optimization vs. multidisciplinary optimization of the last stage of a low pressure steam turbine with an axial radial diffuser
J. Einzinger (ANSYS Germany GmbH)
Design and Optimization of Turbo Charger Turbine Maps by Meta-Model of optimal Prognosis
S. Woldemariam (ANSYS Germany GmbH)
Centrifugal pump design & optimization with optiSLang inside Workbench
Session 4: Robust Design Optimization (RDO) Part 2 |
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P. Gromala, Y. Arjun (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Concept of the Virtual Design of Experiment for Development of the Molded Electronic Control Units
C. Faust-Ellsässer (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Geometrische Zuverlässigkeitsoptimierung der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Leistungselektronik
S. Werner, P. Schwanitz, D. Göhlich (Technische Universität Berlin)
Robuste Crashbox Optimierung während der frühen Phase des Produktentstehungsprozesses
Session 5: Robust Design Optimization (RDO) Part 3 |
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C. Mletzko, M. Liewald (Universität Stuttgart)
Improvement of material flow prediction of combined cold forging processes by parameter calibration
R. Nunes (Daimler AG), Ch. Büttner (Altair Engineering GmbH)
Sensitivity of brake squealing concerning scattered component, joint and bearing properties
M. Schwarzer, M. Zinner, E. Barti (BMW Group), T. Bein (Fraunhofer LBF Darmstadt)
Ermittlung orthotroper Materialeigenschaften von Kupferwicklungen durch Model Updating
Workshop update optiSLang Version 4.1 |
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Workshop material
Postersession material
The lecture notes of the seminar "Basic concepts of stochastic analysis" by Prof. Bucher
can be ordered additionally against payment of a fee of 200,- EUR. Please contact us at kontakt@dynardo.de.
The 10th Optimization and Stochastic Days 2013 were supported by:
© DYNARDO GmbH, an Ansys company
www.ansys.com |