Session 1: Robust Design Optimization and Metamodeling I |
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Dr. Oleksiy Kurenkov (Hilite Germany GmbH)
Robust Design – CAE-driven design development
Arata Nakajo (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Metamodel-based optimization and parameter estimation for solid oxide cells stack development
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Einzinger (ANSYS Germany GmbH)
Meta-Model Method (ROM) to compute the Bearing Coefficients for Rotor Dynamic Applications
Dr. Markus Israel (Volkswagen AG)
Evaluation and Parametrisation of self-piercing riveting by using metamodels
Session 2: New Developments Software & Methods |
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Dr. David Schneider (Dynardo GmbH)
optiSLang news & developments
Dr. Sebastian Wolff (Dynardo Austria GmbH)
SOS news & developments
Dr. Anke Jäger (Daimler AG)
Fully automated simulation and optimization process for CAE applications
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Veiz (CADFEM GmbH)
Parametric modeling and process simulation with ANSYS and optiSLang in additive manufacturing
Session 3: Model Calibration |
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Dr.-Ing. Roger Schlegel (Dynardo GmbH)
Modeling and calibration with the Additive-Layer-Manufacturing (ALM) simulation workflow with ANSYS optiSLang
Stefan Kirsch (Robert Bosch GmbH)
DEM Model Calibration for Vertical Filling: Selection of adequate Trials and Handling Randomness
Dr. Arnab Biswas (Infineon Technologies AG)
Computer-Aided Calibration of IGBT SPICE model with optiSLang tool
Nico Nagl (CADFEM GmbH)
Identification of Relevant Parameters for Battery Model using Calibration Under Discharge Condition
Session 4: Robust Design Optimization of electric drive applications |
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Dr.-Ing. Marc Brück (EM-motive GmbH)
Reduced-Order-Models of electric motors for systems engineering including effects of variable magnet and winding temperatures
Nicolas Riviere (Motor Design Ltd.)
Optimisation of Electric Machines using Motor-CAD and optiSLang
Waschriporn Ampunant (Technische Universität München)
Numerical Optimization of a Microtransformer
Daniel Bachinski Pinhal (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Performance map calculation of current-excited synchronous motors using optiSLang
Session 5: Robust Design Optimization and Metamodeling II |
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Dipl.- Math.techn. Konrad Riester (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Creation of a field meta model on the basis of electro-thermal-mechanical FEM simulations
Dipl.-Ing. Sergej Schneider (Mubea Fahrwerksfedern GmbH)
Automatisierte Auslegung von Achsfedern
Aaron Widera (Math2Market GmbH)
Understanding the properties of porous materials using GeoDict and optiSLang
Marion Ballweg (Siemens AG)
Modellkalibrierung zur dynamischen Simulation des nichtlinearen Verhaltens von Blechpaketen in Elektormotorkomponenten
Session 6: Robust Design Optimierung und Metamodeling III |
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M.Sc. Daniel Pöscha (CFturbo GmbH)
Optimization of a Radial Pump using CFturbo, TCFD & optiSLang
M.Eng. Holger Schulze Spüntrup (ITB Ingenieurgesellschaft für technische Berechnungen mbH)
Real-time processing with 3D meta models for predictive maintenance of aircraft engines
M.Sc. Alexander Fuchs (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Computer assisted method for cost and function optimization using the example of proportional solenoids
Peter Heftberger (Ro-Ra Aviation Systems GmbH)
Kalibrierung des Hardening- und Softening-Verhaltens von Aluminium unter Berücksichtigung der Streuung der Messwerte
Workshop 1-Update Dynardo Software Products
Workshop 2-Basic Concepts of Robust Design Optimization (RDO)
Workshop 3-Multi-criteria optimization and decision support |
Infotag "Model calibration – matching of simulation models with test data using the example of particle simulation" |
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Dr.-Ing. Thomas Most (Dynardo GmbH)
Model Calibration with optiSLang
Dr.-Ing. Luca Benvenuti (CADFEM GmbH)
Particel Simulation with Rocky DEM, Part 1
Dr.-Ing. Luca Benvenuti (CADFEM GmbH)
Particel Simulation with Rocky DEM, Part 2
Layouts Postersession Material
The 15th Optimization and Stochastic Days 2018 were supported by:
© DYNARDO GmbH, an Ansys company
www.ansys.com |