Session 1: Random Fields |
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Ch. Bucher (Dynardo Austria GmbH)
Challenges and potentials of random fields in robustness evaluation
St. Raith (Uniklinikum Aachen)
Modelling of the patient-specific shape variation of the human mandible with Statistics on Structures
R. Nunes (Daimler AG)
Use of Random Fields to characterize brake pad surface uncertainties
St. Kemmler (Universität Stuttgart)
Application of a functional adaptive simulation model for the robust product-optimization using the example of an adjuster unit for commercial vehicle braking systems
Session 2: Recent Developments Software & Methods |
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Th. Most, D. Schneider (Dynardo GmbH)
optiSLang news
R. Schlegel, J. Will (Dynardo GmbH)
Potentials of the Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis (MOP)
I. Seipp (science+computing ag / Atos) / P. Pasold (Dynardo GmbH)
optiSLang jobs on a compute cluster
Session 3: Turbo Machine Application |
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F. Frese (Volkswagen AG)
Evaluation of the aerodynamic performance of compressor wheels by using CFD and optiSLang
No release
J. Einzinger (ANSYS Germany GmbH)
Statistical analysis of mistuned compressor wheels by model order reduction
K. Cremanns (Hochschule Niederrhein)
Anisotropic, hybrid meta models with maximized prognosis within multi-domain turbomachinery engineering
No release
T. Wanzek (KSPG AG)
Multi-objective optimization of a radial compressor impeller with subsequent robustness evaluation
Session 4: Robust Design Optimierung (RDO) |
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P. Thieffry (ANSYS France)
Robust Design and Optimization mit ANSYS - Good Ideas to Great Designs
T. Konrad (Daimler AG)
Sensitivity analysis of forming process parameters regarding the shape accuracy of single and assembled parts
U. Lohse (Siemens AG)
Feasibility study of large gas turbine outer casing bolts with optiSlang
D. Corbo (Airbus DS)
Development of a design optimization process using the example of a valve geometry
Session 5: Model Calibration |
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M. Vidal (CADFEM GmbH)
Optimization of a Dual Band Antenna using "Statistics on Structures"
G. Prillwitz (ANSYS Germany GmbH)
Application of optiSLang in Electrical Engineering
F. Litwa (Daimler AG)
Sensitivity analysis of several body-in-white single part and assembly parameters using tolerance analysis
M. Dazer (Universität Stuttgart)
Stochastic simulation approach for realistic lifetime forecast and assurance of commercial vehicle braking systems
Session 6: Optimization |
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M. Kellermeyer (CADFEM GmbH)
Evaluation of the scatter of continuous fiber-reinforced plastics with Statistics on Structures (SoS)
S. Marin (Technische Universität Ilmenau)
System simulation of a calibration bench for heat flux sensors based on a FE-model optimized by means of a parameter calibration
Ch. Schwarz (Fraunhofer IWU)
Mathematical Optimization of Clamping Processes in Car-Body Production
M. Kuhn (LightTrans International UG)
Efficient design method for optical laser and lighting systems
Prof. Christian Bucher (Dynardo Austria GmbH) Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
Dr. Sebastian Wolff (Dynardo Austria GmbH) Update Statistics on Structures – SoS 3.2
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Most (Dynardo GmbH) Introduction to CAE-based Robust Design Optimization (RDO)
RDO Info Day - November 4, 2015 - Russischer Hof - Weimar |
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Dynardo GmbH Introduction to RDO methodology and workflows
Robert Bosch GmbH RDO in der Produktentwicklung bei Bosch
CADFEM GmbH Zielgerichtet von CAE zu RDO
Layouts Postersession Material
The 12th Optimization and Stochastic Days 2015 were supported by:
© DYNARDO GmbH, an Ansys company
www.ansys.com |