With our RDO-Journal, we would like to inform the user about selected case studies and general information in the fields of CAE-based Robust Design Optimization (RDO) and stochastic analysis. If you are interested in a free subscription to the current download and/or the current printed copy, please order with specification of your contact details here.

- Title Story // Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applied in Computer Aided Engineering - Case Study // Electrical Engineering
Multi-Criteria Electric Machine Design with MOP-Based Pareto Optimization - Research & Development // Aerospace Industry
Modeling Test Rigs for Airplane High-Lift Systems by Data-Based Models - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Optimization of an Actuator Magnetic Force with optiSLang - Case Study // Turbo Machinery
Multidisciplinary Optimization of a Civil Turbofan Jet Engine - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Safety Assessment of Automated Driver Assistance Systems - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
optiSLang in the Functional Development of Hydraulic Valves

- Title Story // Process Integration
optiSLang connects - Customer Story // Biomechanics
Individual Optimization of a new 3D-Printed Prosthetic Foot - Customer Story // Process Engineering
High-Quality Coriolis Mass Flow-Meters - Customer Story // Mechanical Engineering
Light Construction of Power Lathe Chucks - Customer Story // Electrical Engineering
Optimization of a Connector

- Title Story // Field Meta Modeling
Field-metamodeling for transient electro-thermal-mechanical applications - Customer Story // Process Engineering
Calibration of DEM simulations for vertical filling: How to handle randomness - Case Study // Automotive Engineering
Sensitivity analysis of thermo-mechanical fatigue life of an exhaust manifold - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Cost and function optimization applied to a proportional solenoid - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Automated design and optimization of suspension coil springs

- Title Story // Field Meta Models
Real-time processing with 3D meta models for predictive maintenance of aircraft engines - Case Study // Process engineering
Calibration of angle-of-repose and draw-down angle using a ROCKY-DEM simulation - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Engineering e-motors - Case Study // Civil Engineering
Simulation of burst protection with ANSYS LS-DYNA and optiSLang - Customer Story // Mechanical Machinery
Design optimization of a wind turbine for the rowing boat “AKROS” - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Statistical approach to predict sealing performance

- Title Story // Civil Engineering
Practical application of CAE-based RDO in civil engineering - Customer Story // Process engineering
Simulation workflow building using ANSYS EKM and optiSLang - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Parameter identification for a hyperelastic material model of an elastomer rubber boot - Customer Story // Electrical Engineering
Metamodels in a cyber-physical system - Customer Story // Turbo Machinery
Analysis of low cycle fatigue considering geometric manufacturing tolerances - Customer Story // Aerospace Industry
TMF Panel optimization

- Title Story // Optics & Photonics
Innovation in optics and photonics – VirtualLab and optiSLang - Case Study // Optics & Photonics
Parameter influences on the laser processing of ceramics with ultra-short pulses - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Numerical fluid optimization of an exhaust gas flap valve - Case Study // Civil Engineering
Parameter Identification based on quasi-continuous strain data - Customer Story // Automotive Engineering
Robust optimization of continuously reinforced composites in the motorcycle industry - Customer Story // Electrical Engineering
Optimization of a series production electric machine in shortest time

- Title Story // Process Integration & Automation
optiSLang - Ready for Digital Twin to bridge into Production 4.0 & Internet of Things - Customer Story // Mechanical Engineering
Optimization of a piston geometry in a pressure control valve - Customer Story // Biomechanics & Medical Science
Simplified method to predict structural properties of cardiovascular stents - Case Study // Mechanical Engineering
Multi-objective optimization of the work holding device of a machine tool - Case Study // Process Engineering
Simplified simulation of aluminum-CFRP adhesive joints - Customer Story // Electrical Engineering
Simulation of copper wire windings in electric motors

- Title Story // Random Fields
Random fields and field meta models – correlation analysis in time and space - Customer Story // Automotive Industry
Sensitivity analysis of several Body-in-White parameters using tolerance analysis - Case Study // Turbo Machinery
Model-based analysis and optimization of vertical axis wind turbines - Case Study // Mechanical Engineering
Automatic calibration of substitute loads to estimate the impact of joining distortion - Customer Story // Process Engineering
Optimization of fiber composite components in yacht racing - Customer Story // Turbo Machinery
Feasibility study of large gas turbine outer casing bolts

- Title story // optislang & RDO at Bosch
Robert Bosch GmbH – first key user of optiSLang - Bosch customer story // Electrical Engineering
Methods for optimization of air cooled surface topologies - Dynardo GmbH // Software & Development
optiSLang v5 - Customer story // Automotive Engineering
Robust automotive suspension design using multi-objective optimization - Customer story // Electrical Engineering
Optimization of model calibration for analyzing the behavior of film copper - Customer story // Aerospace Industry
Optimization of valve geometries in the engine system of the Ariane 5

- Title story // Process Integration & Automation
CAE-based parametric studies by process integration and automation - Case study // Process Engineering
Optimization of a multiple fixed-point cell as a reference in a dry block calibrator - Customer story // Automotive Engineering
Multi-body simulation of truck mountings on rough road conditions - Customer story // Turbo Machinery
FE-model generation of turbocharger blades regarding geometrical tolerances - Customer story // Automotive Engineering
Robust Design Optimization ensures high-quality window mechanisms - Customer story // Aerospace Industry
Fatigue verification of high loaded bolts of a rocket combustion chamber

- Title story // Model Calibration
Calibration of field data and simulation as an optimization task with signals - Case study // Turbo Machinery
An integrated approach for optimizing turbomachinery designs - Customer story // Electrical Engineering
High frequency simulation - Case study // Process Engineering
Sensitivity analysis of evacuation simulations - Case study // Mechanical Engineering
Model-based parameter identification: Cause and effect

- Title story // Robust Design Optimization
Master of Design - CAE-based Robust Design Optimization with optiSLang - Case study // Turbo Machinery
Increased efficiency by optimizing the last stage of a steam turbine - Case study // Biomechanics
Optimization of fracture treatment - Case study // Biomechanics
Optimization in model-based simulations of surgical procedures - Case study // Electrical Engineering
Simulation, optimization and testing – successfully combined - optiSLang
Method overview - Dynardo Service
Events, consulting, support, trainings

- Title story // Random Fields
Statistics on Structures 3 - Case study // Automotive Industry
Shear Tests for Automotive Electronics - Case study // Biomechanics
Optimization In the Planning Phase of Operations on the Female Breast - Case study // Railway industry
Finite-Element Model Calibration of a Railway Vehicle - optiSLang // Method Overview
- Dynardo Service // Events, consulting, support, trainings

- Title story // RDO Methodology
optiSLang for ANSYS - Case study // Electrical Engineering
Understanding the Acoustic Behavior of Electrical Drives - Case study // Automotive Industry
Optimization of Crash Relevant Vehicle Structures during the Concept Phase - Case study // Process Engineering
Evaluation of Scattering Parameters in Mechanical Joining Technologies - Case study // Mechanical Engineering
Optimization and Robustness Analysis in Ship Design - optiSLang: Method overview
- Dynardo service
Events, consulting, support, trainings

- Title story // RDO Methodology
CAE-based Robust Design Optimization in the virtual product development - Case study // Civil engineering
HRB Waldbärenburg: First RCC dam experience in Germany - Case study // Geomechanics
Parameter identification and analysis of underground laboratories - Case study // Turbo machinery
Robustness evaluation and RDO of a centrifugal compressor impeller - Case study // Automotive industry
Brakes without squeal - Case study // Consumer goods industry
Diversity of variations in virtual prototyping of tennis rackets - Dynardo service
Events, consulting, support, trainings - optiSLang: Method overview
- Service Tool: SoS